Root Canal Treatment – Mesquite, TX

Getting Rid of the Infection to Save Your Tooth

Intense pain caused by an infection or damage to your inner tooth is something you’re unlikely to put off. The problem will only worsen if left untreated, causing the discomfort to increase over time. This is where Riviera Family Dentistry comes in. With root canal treatment, we can save your tooth from extraction by removing the centralized portion (the pulp) and effectively, eliminating the pain. Call us if you would like to discuss the potential for root canal treatment with our Mesquite dental team.

Why Choose Riviera Family Dentistry for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Advanced Dental Technology
  • Nitrous Oxide for Anxious Patients
  • We Welcome Most PPO Insurance

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Animated dental instrument cleaning the inside of a tooth during root canal treatment

Our team will begin by providing local anesthesia before isolating the tooth with a dental dam. This will help to keep it dry from any saliva that forms inside your mouth. We’ll then make a small opening in the top of the tooth (the crown) before removing the pulp and clearing out nearby canals. It’s important that we make sure these areas are free of bacteria before completing the process. Otherwise, the pain may continue, and the infection will remain.

After ensuring all areas of the tooth are clean, we will fill it with a biocompatible solution to seal the tooth off from future reinfection. After taking impressions, we’ll have a dental crown created, which will be put into place after a few weeks to help strengthen the tooth as well as protect it over time.